Follow Karen and Terence on Instagram and their Website
Tell us about yourself
We are Karen and Terence, a married Italian mid-30’s couple who have made travelling the world their full-time jobs. Together we are @Terplanet. With 4 years of experience we are specialised in Luxury Content Creation, Distribution and Social Media Marketing Strategies.
Why do you travel and look for adventures?
What kind of adventures do you look for when you travel?
What’s your go-to travel hack?
This a Terplanet Hack! It’s a secret
When you go to a hotel, go on their IG page, go to the tagged posts and see what their guests have recently posted! Then you will know what’s the weather like and what are the things that people love! If you want instead to visit a geographical area go to the Hashtag of that specific area and tada you see the weather condition or the most iconic spots!